The word “cardio” is a medical term used by health professionals to refer to the heart. The heart is the muscular organ that pumps blood through the blood vessels in the body.
Insomnia is a sleep disorder that leads to difficulty or inability to fall or stay asleep. It is classified into different types according to the duration which it lasts.
Vacation is a period that you spend away from work, school or business. It is a period of recreation, travel, and rest.
Gardening is using a piece of land usually near a house to grow and cultivate plants, flowers, vegetables, fruits, herbs, shrubs and so on.
Bathing means to wash your body by immersion in water. It can be done in cold, hot or warm water
What You Eat
Food is any substance comprising of nourishing and nutritive components that are eaten by man and animals. Some of the nutritive components of food include carbohydrate
Dancing means to move one’s body and feet rhythmically in a pattern of steps, usually to music. People dance to entertain others,
A profession is a type of job, occupation or practice that requires mastery of a complex set of training or skill through formal education and or practical experience.
Shoes are defined as an external covering for the human foot that usually has a sole and a heel.
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