Insomnia is a sleep disorder that leads to difficulty or inability to fall or stay asleep. It is classified into different types according to the duration which it lasts. It can be transient, acute and chronic insomnia which lasts one week, less than one month and more than one month respectively.


Insomnia does not just come on its own, there are different situations that lead to it. Some of the examples of such situations include stress, depression, anxiety, lifestyle, work schedule, mental health conditions, consumption of drinks rich caffeine, nicotine in tobacco products, and so on.

Some of the symptoms of insomnia include difficulty to fall asleep, waking up often during night sleep, worries about sleep, anxiety, general tiredness, and so on.

Inability to sleep at night will negatively affect your activities during the day time. It can also lead to lower concentration and less productivity during the day.
It is wise to seek professional help at the notice of some of the symptoms of insomnia.

Princeton Hines