Shoes are defined as an external covering for the human foot that usually has a sole and a heel. They can be made from strong materials such as leather or other materials like plastic, vinyl, rubber, nylon or polymer.


Over the years, there have been changes in shoes for men and women. This change is both in materials and style. For example, in style, shoes have changed from flat to moderate heels and to very high heels of up to six inches, especially for ladies.

It is true that wearing high-heeled shoes can be stylish and fashionable but it can also affect your health. It is believed that the body functions better when it is properly aligned, however, high and uncomfortable heels can disrupt the body balance and posture, affect muscle activity and can inflict pain on the neck, shoulder, lower back, knees, and ankles.

To avoid pains or injuries, always wear shoes that are balanced and evenly distributes the weight between your heels and the ball of your foot.

Annie Watson