Impulse Buying
Impulse buying occurs when an individual; either due to a sudden urge or strong desire, pays for a good or service without having any previous plans to do so.
Under Pressure?
From different angles and on divers levels, pressure to meet up with a target or deadline either at work, school or on a project, occur. Notwithstanding, these pressures could be surmounted using some tips listed below.
When your friend, colleague or a member of your family offends you, how do you respond? Do you openly yell and scream to their face or do you walk away silent but still angry?
Got a confidant?
A confidant is that person you can discuss your secret matters or problems with and trust him or her not to disclose it to others.
Are you in the habit of always comparing yourself to others? That is one habit that could be unhealthy to you.
Basic but not Basic
It runs in the taps of your bathrooms, kitchens and even in some public places.
Broken Relationship
Did he/she just wake up one morning and said to you “I quit”. Definitely it hurts, especially when you’ve been together for a long time.