Is there really any difference between human wants and needs? To some, these two words are seen as same. Nevertheless, a difference exists between the two. Wants are those things you would like to have or have a strong desire to possess.


They are not really necessary but would still be good if you have them. For example, jewelries, cars, partying, chocolates, pets and so on. However, Needs are those things you cannot do without. You really need them to survive. For instance food, shelter, clothing, air, water, are basic human needs in life which everyone cannot live without.

Certainly, some people are not able to manage their finances well simply because they cannot distinguish between spending on their wants from their needs. Some spend more on their wants than on their needs and therefore stand a risk of running into difficulties. As the economists would say, human wants are insatiable and unlimited but the resources to satisfy them are limited.

To live an organized and debt-free life, it would be wise to spend more on your needs than on wants. 

Annie Watson