Right to know
Every human being in this world has one or two people they can call friends. These friends are people you go out with sometimes and do other things together. You can as well afford to discuss certain things with them.
There are certain people in life who are always easily and unnecessarily offended. They easily complain about every wrong thing that you have done to them without even seeing or acknowledging the wrong they have done to you.
Deception is the act of making someone to believe something that is not true. People who deceive others usually do that to gain an advantage of the other person.
In everyday life, it is common to see people with aspiration become one thing or another. Some aspire to become politicians so that they can be either senators, governors, and president.
Soap is a substance made from a combination of sodium hydroxide, water, and fatty acids which form a chemical reaction known as saponification.
A request is an act of asking for something in a polite and courteous manner. It can be related to a plea or an appeal. It can verbal as well as written.
Walk Away
To walk away means to stop being involved in a situation. It means to do nothing about a situation or not to face negative consequences from it.
Decoration is the act of making something or someone more beautiful. It can be done by adornment with ornaments, jewels, furniture, and other things.
What You See.
Everybody in life has a way of viewing and interpreting things. The way you may see things may differ from the way another person will do.
A treasure is a collection of valuable items such as money, jewel, precious stones, gold, silver, and so on, which is hoarded, stored up or buried.
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