Every human being in this world has one or two people they can call friends. These friends are people you go out with sometimes and do other things together. You can as well afford to discuss certain things with them. However, there are some friends that want to know everything that goes on in your life.

right to know

They do not do this because they care but because they feel it is their right to know what goes on in your life. They also make you feel unnecessarily guilty when you do not tell them certain things going on in your life.

Although it is good to tell your friends some things that go on in your life, however, it is not advisable to tell them every single thing. Learn to keep certain things private and within you. Some friends can take advantage of knowing everything about your life and turn around to use it against you.

Yes, they are your friends but it does not give them right to know everything that happens in your life. Only discuss the things you are comfortable to talk about.

Annie Watson