Sleep is a state of suspended consciousness with eyes closed, the body and mind basically inactive for a number of hours.
Ego is the part of your personality that is conscious and controls your thoughts and behavior. It is one’s image of one’s self. It is self-importance.
When the Going is Good
It is easy to have people identify with you when it seems you are successful and have at your beck and call, a lot of things that make life enjoyable.
>Maturity is the state of complete physical growth and development. By the age of 18-20 years, complete physical maturity must have taken place.
Chasing Shadows
Imagine walking under the sun and seeing your shadow? Did you run after it to catch it?
A workaholic is someone who chooses to work hard for long hours and always thinks about work.
Service and Leadership
Leadership is the act of leading a group of people or organization. When an individual is elected or appointed a leader
Do you often want to do certain things you have mapped but you are not willing to make efforts to get them done?
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