A due is something that is owed as a debt that has to be paid. In social clubs or organizations, members regularly pay dues of a certain amount at a certain period of the year. Dues may be high or low depending on the vision, projects, and activities of the organization involved. In organizations and clubs, dues are collected from members for various reasons.


Members of an organization or club pay dues in order to maintain and authenticate their membership. Secondly, members pay dues to support the activities of the club which they belong to. Payment can be either in cash and in some cases through credit or debit cards.

Despite the reasons for collecting dues, there will always be some defaulters. Some do it on purpose while some others default due circumstances beyond their control. Default in payment can slow down the project or activities of a club.

It is recommended that before joining any club or organization, be sure to maintain your payment of dues or better still do not join at all.

Cole Pike