A dictatorship is a form of government in which all the rules and decisions are made by a dictator. It is a government where only one person is in control of everything and absolute power is exercised for selfish interests, for family, and political allies.


This type of government is not in any way like democratic government in which government is for the people and by the people. Dictatorship does not entertain criticisms or suggestions from the people. In addition, criticism by the people could result in provocation and killing by the dictator. In addition, this type of government does not respect the fundamental human rights.

Unfortunately, there are some parts of the world that are still under a dictatorship government. However, dictatorship is not only in government. There are some homes where either of the parents is a dictator.
All in all, making all the rules and decision without any input from others who share same interest is not the way to go.

Princeton Hines