An untamed individual or animal is in a natural state, not domesticated, untrained, wild, unsubdued and difficult to bring under control. In the jungle, animals such as lion, hippopotamus, and so on, are wild, not gentle in any sort and very fearless. In the same way, there are certain individuals who are not gentle but wild in their ways.


Their attitude shows no sign of domestication. For instance, some individuals talk to other people without showing any sign of respect. Again, the way someone dresses could signify that he or she is untamed. Furthermore, a child who is stubborn or throws temper tantrum could be wild if parents do not take necessary steps to tame him or her.

Untamed individuals are not trained and this transcends into almost everything they do even in later years, creating a negative image of them. It is advised that parents do their best to train their children and tame them at their tender age.

Kelly Smith