A fingerprint is an impression left by the friction ridges of any of the human fingers. It is unique to every individual. No two individuals have the same fingerprint. There are three fundamental principles of fingerprints. Firstly, no two fingers have same identical ridge pattern or fingerprint.


Secondly, fingerprint remains same and can never change throughout an individual’s lifetime. Thirdly, all fingerprint have a general ridge pattern that makes it possible to classify them systematically. Fingerprints also have three basic ridge patterns known as arches, loops, and whorls.

Fingerprints are used for various purposes. It is used in criminal justice to track criminals during investigations.  It is also one of the ways of conducting a paternity test to identify an individual’s DNA. In addition, a fingerprint can be used for diagnosis and cure of some genetically-inherited diseases. Furthermore, it is used when trying to locate an individual who is missing.

There are things that make you unique and your fingerprint is definitely one of them.

Kelly Smith