Content is something that is contained. A container is a hollow object which can be used to hold something. Materials that can be used as container are jar, bottle, box, and so on. For instance, a bottle which is a container can be used to hold water as its content.


Content and container could be likened to human beings. A person’s body, physique or beauty can be likened to a container while the attitude can be equated to the content.

A bitter tasting product can be packaged in an attractive container and a good tasting product can be packaged in a not so attractive container.

Similarly, there are some people who are very nice and have a good character but may not have gorgeous looks. Furthermore, there are some with looks that can be considered as hot and sexy but lack character.

It is important to realize that all of this factor comes into play especially in your choice of friends or spouse. However, the question to ask yourself is “am I looking for content or container?”

Cole Pike