Breastfeeding is the feeding of a child with milk from a woman’s breast. This usually starts when a child is born. It is recommended that a mother breastfeeds a child with breast milk only for at least six months before introducing other foods alongside breast milk.


Breastfeeding has a lot of benefits both for the mother and child. For example, a mother who breastfeeds is at a lower risk of having certain types of cancers. A breastfed child gets the adequate amount of nutrients needed to grow healthy and is protected from infections and illnesses. Breastfeeding bonds mother and child

Despite some of these benefits; in recent times, a large proportion of mothers either do not breastfeed as they should or do not breastfeed at all. One of the reasons being that they get inadequate encouragement and support either from family or employers.

As can be seen, breastfeeding is beneficial for mother and child and creates a healthy population. It is very important that men, other family members, and employees should give women maximum support they need in order to breastfeed.

Kelly Smith